Essential Basic Turkish Phrases: Unlocking the Language of Türkiye

TГјrkiye, with its rich tapestry of history, culture, and stunning landscapes, is a mesmerizing destination for travellers. While many Turks speak English, especially in major cities, learning some basic Turkish phrases can greatly enhance your travel experience. Not only will it help you navigate daily interactions more smoothly, but it will also endear you to the locals, who appreciate visitors making an effort to speak their language.

We will equip you with essential Turkish phrases, along with tips on pronunciation and cultural context.

Introduction to the Turkish Language

The Significance of Learning Turkish

Turkish is a member of the Turkic language family and is spoken by over 80 million people worldwide. Learning even a few basic phrases can:

  • Enhance your travel experience by making interactions with locals easier and more enjoyable.
  • Show respect for the local culture and customs.
  • Help you navigate through cities, markets, and tourist attractions with greater ease.

Pronunciation Basics

Turkish pronunciation is relatively straightforward, with each letter typically having one sound. Here are a few tips:

  • Vowels: Turkish vowels are pronounced distinctly. There are both short and long versions.
  • Consonants: Most Turkish consonants are pronounced similarly to their English counterparts.
  • Stress: The stress in Turkish words usually falls on the last syllable.

Let's begin with some essential phrases to get you started.

Greetings and Common Courtesies

Basic Greetings

  1. Hello: Merhaba (mehr-hah-bah)
  2. Good morning: GГјnaydД±n (goo-nahy-duhn)
  3. Good evening: Д°yi akЕџamlar (ee ahk-shahm-lahr)
  4. Good night: Д°yi geceler (ee geh-jeh-lehr)
  5. Goodbye: HoЕџГ§a kal (hosh-chah kahl) [to someone staying] / GГјle gГјle (goo-leh goo-leh) [to someone leaving]

Polite Expressions

  1. Please: LГјtfen (loot-fehn)
  2. Thank you: TeЕџekkГјr ederim (teh-shehk-kyoor eh-deh-reem)
  3. You're welcome: Rica ederim (ree-jah eh-deh-reem)
  4. Excuse me: Affedersiniz (ah-feh-dehr-see-neez)
  5. Yes: Evet (eh-veht)
  6. No: HayД±r (hah-yer)
  7. Okay: Tamam (tah-mahm)
  8. Sorry: Г–zГјr dilerim (oh-zur dee-leh-reem)

Useful Phrases for Travellers

Asking for Directions

  1. Where is...?: ...nerede? (neh-reh-deh)
    • Example: Where is the restroom? Tuvalet nerede? (too-vah-leht neh-reh-deh)
  2. How do I get to...?: ...nasД±l giderim? (nah-suhl gee-deh-reem)
    • Example: How do I get to the airport? HavaalanД±na nasД±l giderim? (hah-vah-ah-lah-nuh-nah nah-suhl gee-deh-reem)
  3. Left: Sol (sohl)
  4. Right: SaДџ (sah)
  5. Straight ahead: DГјmdГјz (doom-dooz)

transport in turkiye


  1. Bus: OtobГјs (oh-toh-boos)
  2. Taxi: Taksi (tahk-see)
  3. Train: Tren (trehn)
  4. Airport: HavaalanД± (hah-vah-ah-lah-nuh)
  5. Ticket: Bilet (bee-leht)

Shopping, Bargaining and Dining

  1. How much is this?: Bu ne kadar? (boo neh kah-dahr)
  2. I would like to buy this: Bunu satД±n almak istiyorum (boo-noo sah-tuhn ahl-mahk ees-tee-yor-uhm)
  3. Can I have the bill, please?: HesabД± alabilir miyim, lГјtfen? (heh-sah-buh ah-lah-beel-eer mee-yeem, loot-fehn)
  4. Delicious: Lezzetli (leh-zeht-lee)
  5. Water: Su (soo)
  6. Menu: MenГј (meh-nyoo)
  7. Can you give me a discount?: Д°ndirim yapabilir misiniz? (een-dee-reem yah-pah-bee-leer mee-see-neez)
  8. I am just looking, thank you.: Sadece bakД±yorum, teЕџekkГјr ederim. (sah-deh-je bah-koo-yor-oom, teh-shehk-kyoor eh-deh-reem)
  9. Do you accept credit cards?: Kredi kartД± kabul ediyor musunuz? (kreh-dee kahr-tuh kah-bool eh-dee-yor moo-soo-nooz)
  10. Can I see the menu?: Menüyü görebilir miyim? (meh-nyoo-yoo goh-reh-beel-eer mee-yeem)
  11. Do you have vegetarian options?: Vejetaryen yemekler var mД±? (veh-jeh-tar-yen yeh-mek-lehr vahr muh)
  12. Can I have some water, please?: Biraz su alabilir miyim, lГјtfen? (beer-ahz soo ah-lah-beel-eer mee-yeem, loot-fehn)
  13. I am allergic to...: ...'ya alerjim var (...'yah ah-lehr-jeem vahr)
    • Example: I am allergic to nuts: KuruyemiЕџe alerjim var (koo-roo-yeh-meesh-eh ah-lehr-jeem vahr)

street vendor in the market

At the Market

  1. Can I taste it?: TadД± bakabilir miyim? (tah-duh bah-kah-beel-eer mee-yeem)
  2. How fresh is this?: Bu ne kadar taze? (boo neh kah-dahr tah-zeh)
  3. I would like 1 kilo of this.: Bundan 1 kilo istiyorum. (boon-dahn beer kee-loh ees-tee-yor-um)
  4. Please wrap it up.: LГјtfen paket yapД±n. (loot-fehn pah-keht yah-puhn)

Emergency Phrases

Seeking Help In Case of Emergency

  1. Help!: YardД±m edin! (yahr-duhm eh-deen)
  2. Call the police!: Polisi arayД±n! (poh-lee-see ah-rah-yuhn)
  3. I need a doctor: Bir doktora ihtiyacД±m var (beer dok-toh-rah eeh-tee-ah-juhm vahr)
  4. I'm lost: Kayboldum (kahy-bohl-doom)
  5. My phone is missing: Telefonum kayboldu (teh-leh-foh-noom kahy-bohl-doo)
  6. I need help!: YardД±m lazД±m! (yahr-duhm lah-zim)
  7. Can you call an ambulance?: Ambulans Г§aДџД±rabilir misiniz? (ahm-boo-lahns chah-uh-rah-bee-leer mee-see-neez)
  8. There has been an accident.: Bir kaza oldu. (beer kah-zah ohl-doo)

Conversational Phrases

Making Small Talk

  1. How are you?: NasД±lsД±nД±z? (nah-suhl-suh-nuhz)
  2. I'm fine, thank you: Д°yiyim, teЕџekkГјr ederim (ee-yeem, teh-shehk-kyoor eh-deh-reem)
  3. What's your name?: AdД±nД±z ne? (ah-duhn-uhz neh)
  4. My name is...: Benim adД±m... (beh-neem ah-duhm)
  5. Where are you from?: Nerelisiniz? (neh-reh-lee-see-neez)
  6. I'm from...: Ben ...'dan geliyorum (ben ...'dahn geh-lee-yor-uhm)

Essential Vocabulary


  1. One: Bir (beer)
  2. Two: Д°ki (ee-kee)
  3. Three: ГњГ§ (ooch)
  4. Four: Dört (dert)
  5. Five: BeЕџ (besh)
  6. Six: AltД± (ahl-tuh)
  7. Seven: Yedi (yeh-dee)
  8. Eight: Sekiz (seh-keez)
  9. Nine: Dokuz (doh-kooz)
  10. Ten: On (ohn)

Days of the Week

  1. Monday: Pazartesi (pah-zahr-teh-see)
  2. Tuesday: SalД± (sah-luh)
  3. Wednesday: Г‡arЕџamba (char-shahm-bah)
  4. Thursday: PerЕџembe (pehr-shehm-beh)
  5. Friday: Cuma (joo-mah)
  6. Saturday: Cumartesi (joo-mar-teh-see)
  7. Sunday: Pazar (pah-zahr)

illustrated calendar

Months of the year

  1. January: Ocak (oh-jahk)
  2. February: Ећubat (shoo-baht)
  3. March: Mart (mahrt)
  4. April: Nisan (nee-sahn)
  5. May: MayД±s (mah-yuhs)
  6. June: Haziran (hah-zee-rahn)
  7. July: Temmuz (tehm-mooz)
  8. August: AДџustos (ah-oos-tohs)
  9. September: EylГјl (ey-lul)
  10. October: Ekim (eh-keem)
  11. November: KasД±m (kah-suhm)
  12. December: AralД±k (ah-rah-luhk)

Learning these will help you with making plans, scheduling activities, and understanding dates during your travels in TГјrkiye.

Common Objects

  1. Hotel: Otel (oh-tehl)
  2. Room: Oda (oh-dah)
  3. Food: Yiyecek (yee-yeh-jehk)
  4. Money: Para (pah-rah)
  5. Passport: Pasaport (pah-sah-pohrt)

Cultural Tips

Etiquette and Customs

Understanding cultural nuances is as important as knowing the language. Here are some tips to help you navigate Turkish customs:

  1. Hospitality: Turks are known for their hospitality. Accepting tea or coffee when offered is considered polite.
  2. Greetings: A firm handshake and direct eye contact are customary when meeting someone of the same gender.
  3. Dress Code: Modest dress is appreciated, especially in rural areas and when visiting religious sites.
  4. Respect: Showing respect for elders is an important aspect of Turkish culture.

More Tips for Language Practice

turkish kanun instrument

Watching Turkish Media

  1. TV Shows and Movies: Watching Turkish TV shows and movies with subtitles can help improve your listening skills and familiarity with everyday phrases.
  2. Traditional Turkish Music and Dance: Listening to Turkish music and reading the lyrics can help you learn new vocabulary and pronunciation.

  • Music: TГјrkiye boasts a rich musical heritage, including classical Ottoman music, folk songs, and modern genres like Turkish pop and rock.
  • Dance: The folk dances of TГјrkiye, such as the energetic "Halay" and the graceful "Horon," reflect the country's diverse cultural influences.

Dining Etiquette

  1. Sharing Meals: Meals are often communal. Be prepared to share dishes and try a bit of everything.
  2. Compliments: Complimenting the host on the food is appreciated.
  3. Dining Out: Tipping is customary in restaurants, usually around 10-15%.

Practice Makes Perfect

Engaging with Locals

Practising your Turkish with locals can significantly improve your language skills and enrich your travel experience. Here are a few tips:

  1. Be Patient: Language learning takes time. Don’t be afraid to make mistakes.
  2. Use Technology: Language learning apps and online resources can supplement your practice.
  3. Join Language Exchange Groups: These groups offer opportunities to practice Turkish with native speakers in exchange for teaching them your language. Many cities have language exchange groups or cultural meetups where you can practice Turkish.
  4. Practice in Cafes and Shops: Ordering in Turkish and having small conversations with staff in shops, cafes and restaurants is great practice.

Learning basic Turkish phrases can greatly enhance your travel experience in TГјrkiye, allowing you to connect more deeply with the local culture and navigate daily interactions with ease. From greetings and common courtesies to practical phrases for shopping, dining, and emergencies, this guide equips you with the essential language skills needed for a memorable and enriching visit to TГјrkiye.

turkish locals

Advanced Turkish Phrases for Travellers

Expressing Preferences and Needs

  1. I like...: ...seviyorum (...seh-vee-yor-um)
    • Example: I like Turkish food: TГјrk yemeklerini seviyorum (turk yeh-mek-leh-ree-nee seh-vee-yor-um)
  2. I don't like...: ...sevmiyorum (...sehv-mee-yor-um)
    • Example: I don't like spicy food: AcД± yemekleri sevmiyorum (ah-juh yeh-mek-leh-ree sehv-mee-yor-um)
  3. I want...: ...istemiyorum (...ees-teh-mee-yor-um)
    • Example: I want to go to the beach: Plaja gitmek istiyorum (plah-jah geet-mehk ees-tee-yor-um)
  4. I need...: ...ihtiyacД±m var ( vahr)
    • Example: I need a taxi: Bir taksiye ihtiyacД±m var (beer tahk-see-yeh eet-tee-yah-jah-juhm vahr)

Cultural Insights and Proverbs

Proverbs and Sayings

  1. "Dost acı söyler."
    • Translation: A friend tells the bitter truth.
    • Meaning: True friends give honest feedback, even if it's hard to hear.
  2. "Bir elin nesi var, iki elin sesi var."
    • Translation: One hand may not be enough, but two hands make a sound.
    • Meaning: Cooperation achieves more than individual effort.
  3. "AtД±n Г¶lГјmГј arpadan olsun."
    • Translation: Let the horse's death come from barley.
    • Meaning: It's better to face reality than to ignore it.
  4. "Kaz gelecek yerden, tavuk esirgenir."
    • Translation: When the goose comes from afar, the chicken is not overlooked.
    • Meaning: Opportunities should not be missed, regardless of their size.

Regional Dialects and Variations

Understanding Regional Differences

  1. Д°stanbul Turkish: Standard Turkish spoken in Д°stanbul, characterized by its influence from Ottoman Turkish and modern adaptations.
  2. Anatolian Turkish: Dialects spoken in various regions of Anatolia, each with unique vocabulary and accents.
  3. Kurdish and Other Languages: TГјrkiye is home to diverse linguistic communities, including Kurdish speakers and other minority languages.

Using Turkish in Daily Life

  1. Local Markets: Engage with vendors using basic Turkish phrases to negotiate prices and learn about local produce.
  2. Restaurants: Order dishes in Turkish, ask about ingredients, and compliment the chef on delicious meals.
  3. Public Transport: Navigate buses, trains, and taxis using Turkish directions and schedules.

Turkish Language Learning Resources

Continuing Your Language Journey

  1. Language Learning Apps: Duolingo, Babbel, and Memrise offer Turkish courses for beginners and advanced learners. Apps often include games and interactive activities that make learning more engaging.
  2. Online Courses: Platforms like Udemy and Coursera provide structured language learning programs.
  3. Language Exchanges: Join local language exchange groups or online forums to practice Turkish with native speakers.

Mastering basic and advanced Turkish phrases enhances your travel experience in TГјrkiye, fostering meaningful connections with locals and immersing you in the country's vibrant culture. From everyday interactions to exploring regional dialects and cultural nuances, this guide equips you with essential language skills to navigate TГјrkiye with confidence and appreciation.

More Useful Turkish Phrases

hotel in istanbul sultanahmet

Making Reservations and Bookings At the Hotel

  1. Do you have a room available?: BoЕџ oda var mД±? (bohsh oh-dah vahr muh)
  2. For how many nights?: Kaç gece için? (kahch geh-jeh eech-een)
  3. Can I have a non-smoking room?: Sigara içilmeyen bir oda alabilir miyim? (see-gah-rah ee-cheel-meh-yehn beer oh-dah ah-lah-beel-eer mee-yeem)
  4. I have a reservation: Bir rezervasyonum var (beer reh-zehr-vah-syoh-noom vahr)
  5. What time is check-out?: Çıkış saati kaçta? (chuh-kuhsh sah-ah-tee kahch-tah)
  6. Can I have an extra towel?: Fazladan havlu alabilir miyim? (faz-lah-dahn hahv-loo ah-lah-beel-eer mee-yeem)
  7. I would like to book...: ...rezervasyon yapmak istiyorum (...reh-zehr-vah-syohn yahp-mahk ees-tee-yor-um)
    • Example: I would like to book a hotel room: Bir otel odasД± rezervasyon yapmak istiyorum (beer oh-tehl oh-dah-suh reh-zehr-vah-syohn yahp-mahk ees-tee-yor-um)


  1. Is it far from here?: Buradan uzak mД±? (boo-rah-dahn oo-zahk muh)
  2. Can you show me on the map?: Haritada gösterebilir misiniz? (hah-ree-tah-dah goh-steh-reh-beel-eer mee-see-neez)
  3. How long will it take?: Ne kadar sГјrecek? (neh kah-dahr soo-reh-jek)
  4. Is it near the ...?: ... yakД±n mД±? (yah-kuhn muh)
    • Example: Is it near the museum? MГјze yakД±n mД±? (moo-zeh yah-kuhn muh)

Conversational Phrases

  1. What do you recommend?: Ne tavsiye edersiniz? (neh tahv-see-yeh eh-dehr-see-neez)
  2. Do you speak English?: Д°ngilizce biliyor musunuz? (een-gee-leez-jeh bee-lee-yor moo-soo-nooz)
  3. I don't understand.: AnlamД±yorum. (ahn-lah-muh-yor-oom)
  4. Can you repeat that?: Tekrar edebilir misiniz? (tehk-rahr eh-deh-bee-leer mee-see-neez)
  5. Where can I find...?: ...nerede bulabilirim? (...neh-reh-deh boo-lah-bee-lee-reem)
    • Example: Where can I find a pharmacy? Eczane nerede bulabilirim? (ej-zah-neh neh-reh-deh boo-lah-bee-lee-reem)

Essential Questions

  1. What time is it?: Saat kaç? (sah-aht kahch)
  2. When does it open/close?: Ne zaman açılıyor/kapanıyor? (neh zah-mahn ah-chuh-lee-yor/kah-pah-nee-yor)
  3. Can you help me?: Bana yardД±m edebilir misiniz? (bah-nah yahr-duhm eh-deh-bee-leer mee-see-neez)
  4. Where is the nearest ATM?: En yakД±n ATM nerede? (en yah-kuhn ah-teh-em neh-reh-deh)

By expanding your Turkish vocabulary and practising these phrases, you'll not only improve your communication skills but also deepen your connection with the local culture. Enjoy your travels in TГјrkiye and the enriching experiences that come with speaking the language!

